Friday 31 July 2015

Fruit n Vegetable Salsa

Prep Time: 15 min                  Yield:  Serves 2-3

1 Cup of chopped fresh Apple
1 Cup of chopped fresh Pine apple
1 Cup of chopped fresh Watermelon
1 Cup of chopped fresh Kiwi
1/2 Cup of sliced Capsicum, Tomato(ripen)
1/2 Cup of sliced Onion
1 Pack of Salted Chips
1/2 Cup of chopped Mint leaves
2 Tbsp of Honey
1 Tbsp of Olive oil
2 Tbsp of Salt
Juice of one or two fresh limes (2-3 Tbsp, to taste)


Take a glass bowl and add apple, pine apple, watermelon, kiwi, capsicum, tomato, onion pieces, mint leaves, honey, olive oil, salt and mix them roughly. Now pour some lime juice on this mixture and keep this in fridge for 10 min.

Serve this with salted chips. 

Continental Breakfast with Cauliflower

  • Prep time: 30 minutes
  • Yield: Serves 1 to 2


  • Pro tip: Slice the onion first and place in a bowl. Sprinkle with a little water and red wine vinegar. Then prep the other ingredients. Just a few minutes in a little vinegar water will help take the edge off of the onion slices. And boil the cauliflower for 5 min.

1 Cauliflower boiled for 5 min
1 cup of baking powder
1 teaspoon butter
1 teaspoon cheese
1 red onion, sliced
2 garlic cloves minced
1 carrot finely chopped
1 teaspoon of black pepper
1 cup of white pepper milk
1 cup of bread crumbs
Table salt


White sauce:

Take 1 tsp of butter, sliced onion, finely chopped garlic cloves, white pepper milk, salt and baking powder into the bowl and add water which we used to boil the cauliflower. Stir this mixture roughly. Add some boiled cauliflower petals to this mixture. Sprinkle with a little more salt and freshly ground black pepper and boil it for 5 min.

Main Course:

Now, take the rest of the cauliflower petals into a plate and pour this white sauce on them. Place some bread crumbs and cheese on this. Keep this in oven for 10 min. 
Serve immediately  and let sit at room temp for an hour or two before serving. Do not refrigerate.